The needs and conditions of storage:

Light A half-shade and indirect light
When drying the soil surface irrigation, irrigation, because too much will cause decay and yellowing of the stalks.Once a week
The composition of the soil and compost, soil, sand and garden
Yet the fertilizer Complete apartment plants once every two weeks
reproduced Scion of a woman from early spring to late summer.It also gives the root in water ptos
24 ° c in summer and in winter 16 ° c
humidity A week, two to three times the water spray mist or spray
Replacement pot
Small to large pot prefers

Symptoms and treatment:

1)White cotton-like wounds and have appeared on leaves: The insect pest is the agent, once every two weeks with poison insecticide spray or with a cotton plant leverages dipped in poison stains soak solution
2)The leaves and stems are dried and bent: The air is very hot and thirsty plant, pot to a cool place and immediately moved the irrigation more، Don't forget to spray mist.
3)The leaves are pale green: The light is low, the plant to bright indirect light with more location moved again
4) The leaves are pale: Light intensity is high, the pot with less light intensity to the local
5) Your plant is thrown: The swampy soil, irrigation or excessive and the air is cold.Visit conditions
6) Plant growth is slow and the distance between the leaves is too much: Need artificial feeding. lack of nutrition pot with soil elements each month once during the year and half the recommended amount of compensation.
7) Points of view on the alarm-like leaves: From the shiny material effectsA blade, do not use them with a sponge and leaves the damp cloth.
8) The margins of the leaves has been black and brown spots appear on them: Watering has been excess, let the soil surface of the pot in the distance between two dry irrigation and then start watering.Visit the drain.
9) The leaves turn yellow and Spider Web on them the following view: Tiny red mites, operating with cotton dipped in poison the cache level wet leaf mites or ticks once every two weeks with a poison spray cache, increase the humidity in the environment, reducing the effective loss.

Other ptos flower in conjunction with the description:

This plant is resistant to low light. A very good option for low-light and adarjat offices and factories is that due to a high filtration power, in this polluted air is very convenient and widely used. I personally always got these flowers in the offices on the counter and I offer a niche, because when the effects of the suspension is very good also to the Office.